Kareena Kapoor Khan Debut Film. Kareena Kapoor Khan took to her social media handle to celebrate 21 years of her debut film Refugee today June 30. Kareena Kapoor Khan Gets Candid About Her Motherhood Journey In The Pregnancy Bible As Kareena Kapoor Khan is set to make her debut as an author she opens up on how she struggled with her first baby in the initial days.
Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan is very popular among people due to her fitness. Kareena Kapoor Khan 21 Years Of Refugee Abhishek Bachchan JP Dutta Laal Singh Chaddha Aamir Khan Kareena Kapoor Khans Debut Film Entertainment Movies Bollywood. Kareena Kapoor Khan celebrates 21 years in the industry.
Kareena Kapoor Khan celebrates 21 years in the industry.
The actress completed 21 years in the industry recently and she marked the ocassion by the recalling her debut film. Kareena Kapoor Khan Gets Candid About Her Motherhood Journey In The Pregnancy Bible As Kareena Kapoor Khan is set to make her debut as an author she opens up on how she struggled with her first baby in the initial days. Kareena Kapoor Khan 21 Years Of Refugee Abhishek Bachchan JP Dutta Laal Singh Chaddha Aamir Khan Kareena Kapoor Khans Debut Film Entertainment Movies Bollywood. Anzeige Neue DVDs jetzt vorbestellen.