Kareena Kapoor Khan Engagement Ring. The Begum of Pataudi often shows off a diamond ring given to her by Saif Ali Khan that reportedly costs Rs 75 lakh. We finally got a nice long look at Kareena Kapoors enormous engagement ring at the 58th Filmfare Awards press conference.
The Begum of Pataudi often shows off a diamond ring given to her by Saif Ali Khan that reportedly costs Rs 75 lakh. AFP PHOTOSAJJAD HUSSAIN Photo credit should read SAJJAD HUSSAINAFP via Getty Images. Her 5-carat platinum band reportedly costs around Rs 75 lakh Image Source.
A look at most beautiful celebrity engagement rings.
Bollywood stars have some of the prettiest engagement rings. AFP PHOTOSAJJAD HUSSAIN Photo credit should read SAJJAD HUSSAINAFP via Getty Images. Living up to his title Saif ensured that his begum got a fitting diamond engagement ring a 5-carat platinum band. But her wedding to Abhishek Bachchan was definitely one of the most talked about weddings of Bollywood and what also created a lot of buzz was her 53 carat diamond ring.