Kareena Kapoor Khan Family Photos. Besides Kareena the picture also has her husband actor Saif Ali Khan son Taimur sister Karisma Kapoor with her two kids - Samaira and Kiaan and her mother Babita. Its been a few months since Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed with their second child on February 21.
In the apparent leaked photo Kareena Kapoor is seen plating a kiss on the newborns forehead as the baby sleeps in his cradle. Its been a few months since Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed with their second child on February 21. Kareena Kapoor family members childhood and photos Parents.
As Kareena Kapoor Khans cousin Zahan gets ready to debut with Hansal Mehtas film here is a look at his family pics Also get bollywood actors actress movie parties event photos at.
Recently we spotted Taimur Ali Khans unseen picture with his mommy Kareena Kapoor Khan and daddy Saif Ali Khan shared by his bua Saba Ali Khan. The little munchkin is the most loved star kid of Tinseltown and his one glimpse is enough to uplift anyones mood. Kareena Kapoor Khans second son Jehs hide-and-seek pics. She also promised that they will recreate the happy picture again soon.