Kareena Kapoor Khan Family Tree. Kareena also attached a zoomed in photo of the Family Tree which features face cut-outs of Inaayas parents Kunal Kemmu and Soha Ali Khan and their respective families NDTV हनद. She made the family tree by sticking photos to the leafy branches made by her.
She married into the famous Kapoor clan in 1971 tying the knot with Raj Kapoors eldest son Randhir Kapoor whom she starred with in Kal Aaj Aur Kal and Jeet. She made the family tree by sticking photos to the leafy branches made by her. In the family tree one side is her fatherly family and opposite side is maternal family including granddad Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi and grandma Sharmilla Tagore and their youngsters Saif his significant other Kareena Soha and his hubby Kunal and Saba.
Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmus daughter Inaaya simply featured on Kareena Kapoors Instagram.
Kareena Kapoor Khan s son Taimur Ali Khan is not the only rising artist of the Pataudi family. Inaaya who may be very a lot into arts and crafts similar to her cousin Taimur Ali Khan created a Family Tree on a poster with the phrases. Kareena Kapoor Khan shares a great bond with her nanad Soha Ali Khan and we wait to see their little munchkins. She married into the famous Kapoor clan in 1971 tying the knot with Raj Kapoors eldest son Randhir Kapoor whom she starred with in Kal Aaj Aur Kal and Jeet.