Kareena Kapoor Khan Father Name. Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor and her husband Saif Ali Khan are reportedly deliberating to name their second son as Mansoor the name of Saifs father. Internet went into meltdown as Randhir Kapoor revealed last week that Kareena Kapoor and her husband actor Saif Ali Khan have named their younger son.
Heres what it means. Recently while speaking with a leading. Ever since the news of this new addition to the Kapoor family broke internet is flooded with name suggestions for Saif-Kareenas little bundle of joy.
After reports of Saifeenas younger son being named Jeh surfaced Kareenas father Randhir Kapoor confirmed to PTI Yes Kareena and Saifs son has been named Jeh recently Jeh stands for a blue crested bird in Latin and in Parsi it meant to come to bring.
Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor and her husband Saif Ali Khan are reportedly deliberating to name their second son as Mansoor the name of Saifs father. Randhir Kapoor Kareenas father confirmed the news by speaking to leading Daily Yes Kareena and Saifs younger son has been named Jeh Previously Netizens criticized Saif and Kareena when they named their son Taimur. The toddler has been an Internet sensation ever since his. Kareena and Saif got married in 2012 and they have been blessed with Taimur in 2016.