Kareena Kapoor Khan Marriage Date. The one-week long ceremony included a sangeet held at Kareena Kapoors home in Bandra. As we all know that Kareena Kapoor dated Shahid Kapoor in early 2000s and post their breakup she went on to marry her Tashan co-star Saif Ali Khan.
As per the Indian Special Marriage Act 1954 a religious wedding ceremony is not required for a couple to be. Newly married dulhan is here. The wedding was a grand one with only family and close friends invited.
Newly married dulhan is here.
Kareena Kapoor news gossip photos of Kareena Kapoor biography Kareena Kapoor boyfriend list 2016. Kareena Kapoor dating history 2021 2020 list of Kareena Kapoor relationships. The Grand Shaadi Beckons. As of 2021 Kareena Kapoor is married to Saif Ali Khan.