Kareena Kapoor Khan New Pic. Taking to her Instagram handle Kareena dug out a priceless picture from her 80s family album in which she can be seen posing beside a Christmas tree with her mother. Seems like it is throwback Saturday for Kareena Kapoor Khan as the diva took a trip down memory lane and treated fans with an unseen childhood picture of herself with sister Karisma Kapoor and their mother Babita.
The viral picture is reportedly from Kareena Kapoors soon-to-be-released book titled Kareena Kapoor Khans Pregnancy Bible. New mom Kareena Kapoor gives a peek into post-pregnancy fitness journey. Kareenas sister-in-law Saba Ali Khan was the first one to comment below and wrote Mahshallah along with a heart emoji.
Seems like it is throwback Saturday for Kareena Kapoor Khan as the diva took a trip down memory lane and treated fans with an unseen childhood picture of herself with sister Karisma Kapoor and their mother Babita.
Taking to her Instagram handle Kareena dug out a priceless picture from her 80s family album in which she can be seen posing beside a Christmas tree with her mother. On Saturday night the new mommy took to Instagram and shared a lovely picture. In a new unseen picture which has surfaced on social media Taimur is seen snuggling up with. Kareenas father Randhir Kapoor recently confirmed that the new.