Kareena Kapoor Khan Parents. A post shared by Kareena Kapoor Khan kareenakapoorkhan Actor Saif Ali Khan is father to four kids. Kareena Kapoor Khan talked about her parents Randhir Kapoor and Babita Kapoors separation and what it was like to be raised by a single mother.
She said that she and her sister Karisma Kapoor understood their parents relationship from an early age. They are always the second adult in the homes who knows only a few details about their babies. However the couple separated in 1988 due to personal reasons.
However the couple separated in 1988 due to personal reasons.
Kareena Kapoor Khans Son Jehs First Picture Goes Viral See Pic Here Bollywood couple Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their. Kareena Kapoor Khans Son Jehs First Picture Goes Viral See Pic Here Bollywood couple Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their. We didnt have enough money for a driver. The 74-year-old actor is the father of Karisma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan.