Kareena Kapoor Khan Son Picture. The couple though shared the good news with the. Not only the couple has refrained from sharing pictures.
Bollywood power couple Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second bundle of joy Jeh in February this year and the first picture of the. The couple has so far not officially shared any photo of their second son who was born on February 21 2021. Kareena had earlier shared a photo of her elder son Taimur holding Jeh however his face was obscured.
While many people speculate the baby to be her second son Jeh Ali Khan there is still no official confirmation on the same by Mommy of Daddy Saif Ali Khan.
Recently Kareena Kapoor Khan shared the very first picture of her second son Jeh. Find out the latest pictures still from movies of This new adorable picture of Kareena Kapoor. It wasnt your usual dish of pasta with cheese or sauce and was rather paired with plenty of. July 15 2021 0232 IST.