Kareena Kapoor Khan Sons Name. Yes Kareena and Saifs younger son has been named Jeh We finalised it about a week ago said Randhir talking to E Times. Kareena Kapoor.
After tying the knot in 2012 the Royal couple of Bollywood Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their first child in 2016. If recent reports are anything to go by the couple call their baby boy Jeh. After facing ire from their fans on social media over their first born Taimurs name looks like both Kareena and Saif are being extra careful revealing their newborns name this time.
Interestingly Kapoor Khans father Randhir has confirmed that a name for the baby has been finalised.
Now the question of what is the name of Kareena and Saifs second child is doing all the rounds in the social media. After facing ire from their fans on social media over their first born Taimurs name looks like both Kareena and Saif are being extra careful revealing their newborns name this time. The couple named their son Taimur Ali Khan and in no time the little one became the talk of the town and won the title of the cutest star-kid on the block. However there has been no official confirmation from the couple about the name of their newborn.