Kareena Kapoor Khan Twitter. The star found herself in trouble after reports alleging her charging a whopping Rs 12 crore fee for playing Sita on-screen surfaced online. It has also been said in the reports that although she usually charges Rs 6-8 crore for her films but she has taken a fee of Rs 12 crore for this role.
However it is not for a pleasant reason. Kareena Kapoor Khan trolled Bollywood and controversies have had a long standing relationship and with social media trolling theres an all new dimension to this. The latest tweets from bebokapoorkhan.
The latest tweets from KKkhan_.
The latest tweets from bebokapoorkhan. It has also been said in the reports that although she usually charges Rs 6-8 crore for her films but she has taken a fee of Rs 12 crore for this role. Mumbai Maharashtra India June 12 ANI. Supplied Twitter user Arpita Chatterjeep posted.