Kareena Kapoor Khan Wedding Images. Back in 2012 when Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor had said Qubool Hai in a registered marriage which was preceded with mehendi and sangeet ceremonies and was followed by a post-wedding party ie dawat-e-walima. Kareena kapoor news gossip photos of kareena kapoor biography kareena kapoor boyfriend list 2016.
B-Town begum Kareena Kapoor Khan and chhote nawab Saif Ali Khan had a dreamy love story and a fairytale wedding. Today she is happy and parent to her two kids - Samaira and Kiaan. Sara and Ibrahim is nothing but royal.
A rare picture of Kareena Kapoor Khan from her wedding day has surfaced on the Internet seven years after her marriage to Saif Ali Khan.
After the wedding Kareena added Khan to her name and is now Kareena Kapoor Khan. The viral picture from Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoors wedding in 2012 has resurfaced online. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan fell in love on the sets of Tashan and were in a live-in relationship for five years. Ask any Kareena Kapoor Khan fan and theyll tell you.