Kareena Kapoor Ki Picture Hindi. Kareena Kapoor Khan Bikini and Swimwear Photos from her latest photoshoot. In the all-smiling picture Saba and Kareena had twinned in black as they had posed for the camera flashing their ear-to-ear grin.
Fatima Sana Shaikh calls her a cutie. Presenting JI HUZOORI Video Song from Arjun Kapoor Kareena Kapoor starring R. Kareena Kapoor Khan pronounced kəˈriːna kəˈpuːr.
On Saturday night the new mom went to Instagram and shared a nice photo with her BFF Amriter Arora.
Kareena Kapoor is slaying the Vogue magazine with her bikini perfect body. For More Bollywood Blockbuster Superhit Movies. In the apparent leaked photo Kareena Kapoor is seen plating a kiss on the newborns forehead as the baby sleeps in his cradle. Kareena Kapoor is writing poetry with her mind-blowing grace in this pic from Lakme Fashion Week 2018.