Kareena Kapoor Ki Shaadi Ka Photo. The Veere Di Wedding star is seen in a orange bikini with a white knitted shrug in the hot as hell photograph taken by. Kareena Kapoor Khan is one of the hottest and talented actresses in Bollywood.
Arjun revealed the personal reason behind signing the film. Actors Arjun Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor once more swapped gender roles as they mocked traditional stereotypes in trademark Ki And Ka-style. Kareena Kapoor Khan is one of the hottest and talented actresses in Bollywood.
But wait it seems like theres a Kareena Kapoor connection.
Subscribe Now for More Exclusive Videos. She had posted a picture of Kareena and had written The good news is that you dont have to deprive yourself of good food to look good. Arjun revealed the personal reason behind signing the film. As Ki Ka completed five years Kareena Kapoor Khan and Arjun Kapoor reminisced the beautiful memories attached to the film.