Kareena Kapoor Laal Ghagra Dress. This song has been penned by Tanishk Bagchi and Herbie Sahara and is sung by Tanishk Bagchi Manj Musik x Herbie Sahara. Besides Good Newwz the actress will also feature in Laal Singh Chadda and.
The song features Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor dancing to the tunes of the foot-tapping number on the occasion of Lohri. Thank you for watchingPlease note that translations may be immature. Laal ghagra Laal Ghaghra song.
Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has shot for a song for R.
SUBSCRIBE to Zee Music Company - httpsbitly2yPcBkS Remix by DJ Notorious Video Edit by. Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has shot for a song for R. 00000 - Tareefan 00252 - Laal Ghaghra 00525 - Sauda Khara Khara 00851 - Chandig. Watch - Good Newwz Song Laal Ghaghra.