Kareena Kapoor Lehenga Look. Kareena Kapoor was seen wearing a green monotone lehenga for a wedding and she was looking dazzling and incredible in that monotone lehenga look. Lolo as shes fondly calld by her fans have been sending shockwaves in the film industry with her acting potential and fashion quotient for the longest time and even today she has the ability to give any modern-day actress a run for their money.
Anzeige Riesenauswahl und aktuelle Trends. For another event in Melbourne the actor was seen wearing a Lucknowi chikankari lehenga. The actress donned the lehenga look by giving us the sassiest looks and we just cant stop staring over her for her amazing design outfits.
She is seen wearing an enormously attractive lehenga which is highly embellished a blouse of the same material and her dupatta with golden feather fringes.
Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan who is a style icon for more reasons than one owns a lehenga collection that is to die for. If you are looking for some style inspiration this wedding season go no beyond Kareenas lehenga ideas as theres something for everyone. Kareena Kapoor looked gorgeous in regal red lehenga. This outfit of the actor was loved.