Kareena Kapoor Movie Name. Revolving around the life of a once-successful film actress whose career is on the decline the film features Kareena Kapoor as the protagonist along with actors Arjun Rampal Randeep Hooda. Kareena Kapoor Khan 1st choice to play Sita.
Kapoor made her acting debut opposite Abhishek Bachchan in the 2000 drama Refugee for which she earned a Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut. During the trailer launch of her upcoming movie Satyagraha Kareena Kapoors name flashed on screen as Kareena Kapoor. Anzeige Neue DVDs jetzt vorbestellen.
Kareena Kapoors Name Removed From Sita Image courtesy - File Photo Mumbai.
Henceforth Kareena Kapoor will be called Kareena Kapoor Khan. She also has a number of films to be released soon. The latter emerged as the highest-grossing Bollywood film. 64 Zeilen Kareena Kapoor Khan is an Indian actress who has appeared in over 60 Hindi films.