Kareena Kapoor Na Hindi Geet. Social media influencer Kusha Kapila recently posted an Instagram video of herself pretending to be Kareena Kapoor as Geet but with a South Delhi twist. Kareena Kapoor Khans Most Iconic Roles From Geet In Jab We Met To Poo From K3G Kareena Kapoor Khan has been a part of some of the most amazing films over the years portraying some of the most iconic characters.
Social media star Kusha Kapila recently made a video re-imagining Geet as a South Delhi girl instead of Bhatinda and Kareena couldnt stop herself from commenting on the post. On the occasion on her birthday lets take a look at iconic characters played by Kareena Kapoor Khan on-screen. In Kushas video the.
Kareena Kapoor Khan as Geet in Jab We Met made pairing long T-shirts with patialas look super casual and cool.
On the occasion on her birthday lets take a look at iconic characters played by Kareena Kapoor Khan on-screen. Social media influencer Kusha Kapila recently posted an Instagram video of herself pretending to be Kareena Kapoor as Geet but with a South Delhi twist. Did you know Kareena Kapoor Khans Character Geet in Jab We Met inspired Anushka Sharma to join Bollywood. On the occasion on her birthday lets take a look at iconic characters played by Kareena Kapoor Khan on-screen.