Kareena Kapoor New Baby Delivery Date. The veteran actor revealed that Bebo and Saif gave them the news a few days back. How about you guys.
He also added that he was very happy with the way his daughter handled her pregnancy and now the entire Kapoor Khandaan was waiting to embrace the little baby. Kareena Kapoor Khan to Deliver Baby on This Date Randhir Kapoor Confirms Bebos Due Date the second baby of Kareena-Saif will come around February 15 2021. Yes as we all know Saif and Kareena aka Saifeena are expecting their second baby the actor had told the media that they are all set to welcome their second baby in the early week of February.
Kapoor shared that he is delighted with the news and very happy.
He concluded his word by stating that Kareena is due for sometime around March next year ie 2021. While we do know that the baby is expected to arrive in December heres an added scoop. Fans have to wait a bit longer as Bebo was spotted at her Bandra residence today. - Bristilekha RoyVideo Editors.