Kareena Kapoor New Son Name. And to date the star couple hasnt revealed the name of their second-born. As per a report in ETimes Bebos father veteran actor Randhir Kapoor confirmed the rumours and said Yes Kareena and Saifs younger son has been named Jeh.
Finally Kareenas father and veteran actor Randhir Kapoor let the cat out of the bag and confirmed these reports while speaking with ETimes. Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan welcomed another baby boy on Feb 1 and are yet to decide a name for him After all the controversy surrounding Taimur s name what can. According to Kapoor the name Kareena was derived from the book Anna Karenina which her mother read while she was pregnant with her.
Yes Kareena and Saifs son has been named Jeh recently Randhir Kapoor told.
Radhir Kapoor the father of Kareena Kapoor has confirmed the name of her and Saif Ali Khans new born son. Yes Kareena and Saifs son has been named Jeh recently Randhir Kapoor told. The diva delivered a boy on Sunday February 21 at Mumbais Breach Candy Hospital. On Sunday morning Kareena took to Instagram to share an adorable photo of her sons.