Kareena Kapoor On Twitter. Kareena and her husband Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child a baby boy in the month of February whom the couple has named Jeh. Sometimes with her kids and sometimes with pictures of her.
Bollywood actress reportedly asked. Bollywood and controversies have had a long standing relationship and with social media trolling theres an all new dimension to this. Kareena and her husband Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child a baby boy in the month of February whom the couple has named Jeh.
Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan became one of the top trends on Twitter.
The latest tweets from ikareena. Recently it was reported that Kareena Kapoor Khan may be seen in the role of Sita in Alaukik Desais upcoming film. Bollywood and controversies have had a long standing relationship and with social media trolling theres an all new dimension to this. People scolded her for the news about the actress which is why BoycottKarinaKhan started trending on Twitter.