Kareena Kapoor Rani Mukherjee Hrithik Roshan Hindi Movie. Based on the 1996 American comedy The Truth About Cats Dogs the film follows the love triangle. The plot of the film revolves around a family who struggles with interpersonal relationships after the elder son Rahul gets married without his parents consent.
Dans Film et animation. In Film Animation. Sharing the picture on his Instagram profile Neil Nitin Mukesh wrote.
The movie is still watchable.
The plot of the film revolves around a family who struggles with interpersonal relationships after the elder son Rahul gets married without his parents consent. Rani Mukherjee und Hrithik Roshan zählen meiner Meinung nach zu den talentiertesten Schauspielern Indiens. When youre looking forward to meeting that special someone. Based on the 1996 American comedy The Truth About Cats Dogs the film follows the love triangle.