Kareena Kapoor Saif Ali Khan Akshay Kumar Movie. When Bhaiyyaji finds out he sends a small-town thug Bachchan Akshay Kumar to find them. Kareena Kapoor Khan Saif Ali Khan are quintessential couple goals for one and all.
The two have appeared in several movies together and are well remembered for their song Main Khiladi Tu Anari which became a popular dance number in the 90sHere is a list of movies. In fact the Good Newwz couple is so close to each other that Akshay is loved by Kareenas husband Saif mother Babita and sister Karisma too. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor did this movie together but they werent paired up opposite one another.
Saif Ali Khan played the role of Langada Tyagi antagonist within the film.
Anzeige Neue DVDs jetzt vorbestellen. Produced by Aditya Chopra and Yash Chopra of Yash Raj Films it was released on 25 April 2008 and marked the directorial debut of. Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan have known each other since the beginning of Bebos career. The incident involved Kareenas mother Babita.