Kareena Kapoor Saif Ali Khan Shadi Video. When Kareena Kapoor Khan OPENED UP on the advice she received for marrying Saif Ali Khan. Shaadi mat karo career khatam ho jayega.
Shaadi mat karo career khatam ho jayega. Starring Kareena Kapoor Saif Ali Khan and Vivek OberoiSong Name - RasiyaMovie - KurbaanSinger. In an interview Saif Ali Khan revealed that his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan has restrained him from posting a cute video of Taimur.
In an interview Saif Ali Khan revealed that his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan has restrained him from posting a cute video of Taimur.
Because of Kareena Kapoor Khan Saif Ali Khans sister Saba Pataudi felt insulted. However not many people are aware that Kareenas first soulmate was neither her husband Saif Ali Khan nor her ex-boyfriend Shahid Kapoor. As we said Kareena has been nailing her maternity looks and her love for Kaftans is known to all. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan make fans happier with their cute gestures for each other.