Kareena Kapoor Saif Ali Khan Shahid Kapoor Movie. Check out the whole story in the video. The actors were planning to name him after Saif Ali Khans father Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi however got sorted with Jeh in the end.
On the personal front Kareena Kapoor Khan and her actor-husband Saif Ali Khan had welcomed their second baby earlier this yearThe actress is living one of the most beautiful phases of her life. Kareena Kapoor Khan was. Bhoot Police will also feature Arjun Kapoor Jacqueline Fernandez and Yami Gautam in the lead role.
Bollywood power couple Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second bundle of joy Jeh in February this year and the first picture of.
However not many people are aware that Kareenas first soulmate was neither her husband Saif Ali Khan nor her ex-boyfriend Shahid Kapoor. Anzeige Neue DVDs jetzt vorbestellen. In the video Shahid is. Kareena Kapoors SHOCKING Statements On Ex- Shahid Kapoor Saif Ali Khan.