Kareena Kapoor Second Son Age. Kareena Kapoor Saif Ali Khans Second Son Name Revealed Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child a baby boy on February 21 this year. On Saturday February 20 Kapoor Khan was admitted to Mumbais Breach Candy hospital and according to reports she gave birth to a baby boy early on Sunday.
And it was the elated naanu Randhir Kapoor who had confirmed the news of Bebos second baby and had shared Yes Kareena has given birth to a baby boy today morning. The couple also didnt share an official picture of their second baby on their social media. Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan name their second son Jeh.
On Saturday February 20 Kapoor Khan was admitted to Mumbais Breach Candy hospital and according to reports she gave birth to a baby boy early on Sunday.
Picture after four months. Since then fans have been inevitably waiting to get a. A fan page of Kareena Kapoor Khan has shared the first photo of her son Jeh the actress second child with husband Saif Ali Khan. Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan name their second son Jeh.