Kareena Kapoor Shahid Kapoor Love Story. Though the duo has parted their ways long ago their fans still enjoy them seeing together in movies. This is why when they broke up the news was upsetting to one and all.
In the year 2004 Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor bagged Ken Ghoshs thriller love story Fida. Bollywood News in 1 minute - 16012015 - Sunny Leone Shahid Kapur Kareena Kapoor Khan. Shahid Kapoor Kareena Kapoors respective lives with their spouses.
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Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor love story. Shahid and Kareena were together for almost five years and they were very open about their relationship. 4 years ago 263 views. In a career spanning two decades the actress has already engraved her name as one of the most versatile actresses of all time.