Kareena Kapoor Sister Pic. Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan shared a cute photo from her sister Karisma Kapoors birthday celebrations on social mediaKarisma who turned a year older on Friday June 25 celebrated her 47 th birthday with Bebo Saif Ali Khan family members and close friends. In the picture Kareena and Amrita were seen bonding.
In the picture Kareena Karisma looked gorgeous in their 80s clothes and theres no denying the fact that their fashion. The couple is expecting their second baby after Taimur Ali Khan was born in 2016. Is it Christmas already.
Seems like it is throwback Saturday for Kareena Kapoor Khan as the diva took a trip down memory lane and treated fans with an unseen childhood picture of herself.
Kareena Kapoor shares a priceless picture from her childhood collection with sister Karisma Kapoor and mother Babita. Kareena Kapoor Khan is pregnant for the second time with hubby Saif Ali Khan. Taking to Instagram Kareena shared a. The Resolution Lies Inside Heroine 2012 Udta Punjab 2016.