Kareena Kapoor Son Pics. Kareena had earlier shared a photo of her older son Taimur holding the newborn in his arms. Kareena Kapoors father Randhir Kapoor confirmed a few days back that they have zeroed in on the name Jeh for Bebos second kid.
The picture is too cute to handle it. Friends so no one got to know from this picture what the baby looks like. When Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child in February 2021 fans and media had expected the couple to pose with their newborn introducing him to the world.
Marking the special occasion of Mothers day mommy of two Kareena Kapoor shared the first photo of her two sons together.
However the couple had different plans this time as unlike Taimur Ali Khan the little one was kept away from the limelight so much so that even his name was not revealed until now. Jeh was born in February 2021 but Kareena and Saif Ali Khan have remained private about their second childs name and kept. Kareena Kapoor Khans second son Jehs hide-and-seek pics. When Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child in February 2021 fans and media had expected the couple to pose with their newborn introducing him to the world.