Kareena Kapoor Songs Akshay Kumar. Sung by Udit Narayan Composed by Nadeem-ShravanStay updated w. After this film with Kareena Kapoor he had very good success at the box office and also lost the tag of a flop actor.
Movie Cast Credits Starcast. SUBSCRIBE to Zee Music Company - httpsbitly2yPcBkS Remix By. Anzeige Neue DVDs jetzt vorbestellen.
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Singers - Rochak Kolhi. Lakh Lakh Nakhre Kambakkht Ishq Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor. Lakh Lakh Nakhre Kambakkht Ishq Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor. Listen to the songs non stop or click for your favorite one.