Kareena Kapoor Taimur Ali Khan Pictures. Kareena Kapoor Khan took to social media sharing a glimpse of her husband Saif Ali Khan and elder son Taimur doing yoga. July 15 2021 339.
However the couple had different plans this time as unlike Taimur Ali Khan the little one was kept away from the limelight so much so that even his name was not revealed until now. The picture is too. The father-son duo had.
Seems like not just her but her husband-actor Saif Ali Khan and their son Taimur Ali Khan also do yoga to.
Bollywood actors and married couple Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khans second child Jehs first picture leaked on net. Bebo was seen having a great time in Palampur. Kareena Kapoor Khan who is a fitness freak and performs yoga on regular basis shared picture of her actor husband Saif Ali Khan and son Taimur Ali Khan. Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khans son Taimur Ali Khan enjoys a massive fan following on social media.