Kareena Kapoor Vegetarian. When Johar teased Kapoor that while dating Shahid she had turned vegetarian the actor is famously vegetarian and is known to advocate it to close friendsfamily Kareena smiled as if amused at her own past self. Kareena Kapoor is not a vegetarian anymore.
The FOODie Interview The fittest Kapoor on why ghee is good her favourite restaurants and on eating stuff that is grown locally. Written by Alyssandra Mendonca Mumbai Updated. It looks like actress Kareena Kapoor is getting back to her old food habits.
But after getting married to the nawab Saif Ali Khan Bebo has decided to let go the greens.
The FOODie Interview The fittest Kapoor on why ghee is good her favourite restaurants and on eating stuff that is grown locally. It looks like actress Kareena Kapoor is getting back to her old food habits. Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor who turned vegetarian after hooking up with Shahid Kapoor a few years ago may not be a vegetarian after all. The FOODie Interview The fittest Kapoor on why ghee is good her favourite restaurants and on eating stuff that is grown locally.