Kareena Kapoor Younger Son. In one of the photos she was seen planting a kiss on her newborn baby Jeh who was sleeping in his cradle. Kareena Kapoors picture with Jeh and Taimur in the book Pictures of Kareenas sons Taimur and Jeh from her book went viral on her fan clubs.
Bollywood Kareena Kapoor-Saif Ali Khans younger son is named Jeh. The first photo of Kareena Kapoor Khans younger son Jeh has been shared by a fan page on Instagram. Their younger son Jeh was born in February 2021.
Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan named their younger son Jeh as confirmed by Grandpa Randhir Kapoor.
Kapoor told the tabloid Yes Kareena and Saifs younger son has been named Jeh. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor have decided to name their younger son Jeh. Jeh was born in February this year. KAREENA KAPOOR SHARES FIRST PIC OF YOUNGER SON WITH TAIMUR ALI KHAN Sharing a cute black-and-white picture of Taimur and her younger son Kareena Kapoor wrote in Hindi in her Mothers Day post Today the world runs on hope.