Kareena Kapoor Younger Son Photo. Kareena Kapoor Khan on Friday surprised his fans by dropping the first photo of her younger son on social media with Saif Ali Khan and Taimur. However she chose to keep her second sons life private maybe because Taimur had to face a lot of trolling as well as was disturbed by paps on several occasions or maybe just because of the ongoing pandemic.
Fans have been waiting eagerly for a photo of her younger son since then. The actress who welcomed her second son with husband Saif Ali Khan weeks ago shared his first photo. Celebrity couple Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan have been very particular when it comes to their younger son Jeh.
There is a lot of controversy about the title of this book.
Today Friday actress Kareena Kapoor surprised her fans and followers by publishing the first picture of her younger son through her personal accounts on social media where the younger son. There is a lot of controversy about the title of this book. Kareena Kapoor Khan on Friday surprised his fans by dropping the first photo of her younger son on social media with Saif Ali Khan and Taimur. The couple though shared the good news with the.