Kyunki Film Salman Khan Kareena Kapoor Jackie Shroff. In an old interview when Jackie Shroff was asked if he stays in touch with his contemporaries like Anil Kapoor Govinda and Sanjay Dutt heres what he had said. Because is a 2005 Indian romantic drama film written and directed by Priyadarshan and starring Salman Khan Jackie Shroff Kareena Kapoor Rimi Sen Om Puri and Suniel ShettyThe movie is a remake of Priyadarshans own 1986 Malayalam film Thalavattam which was a remake of 1975 movie One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest which in turn was an adaptation of the 1962 novel of the.
I know him since the time he was growing up. Presenting Jhatka Maare lyrical video Song in the voice of Udit Narayan Shaan Kailash Kher from Hindi movie Kyon Ki ItS Fate starring Salman Khan. He said Salman is doing really well in his career.
Valeem Malik Love MovieMy channel.
Kyon Ki is a 2005 Indian movie directed by Priyadarshan starring Salman Khan Kareena Kapoor Rimi Sen and Om Puri. Saba Ali Khan reminisces fond memories by sharing a decade-old photo. I know him since the time he was growing up. The feature film is produced by Mukesh Talreja and Sunil Manchanda and the music composed by Himesh Reshammiya.