Policegiri Sanjay Dutt Ka Picture Film. Policegiri is an upcoming action Hindi film directed by KS. Policegiri movie is the remake of Tamil movie SammySanjay Dutt Rudra is playing the role of a rough neck cop with a bit of both the bad cop-good cop act which also gives comic touch in his character whereas Prachi Desai Sehar will wear the image of a girl next door and is a software engineer who falls in love with Dutt and marries himRudra is a tough and charismatic Deputy Commissioner.
Dutt convicted in 1993 bomb blasts case and who is sentenced to five year jail term by SC finished the shooting of the film a few days back. Ravikumar and produced by T. Ravikumar starring Sanjay Dutt Prakash Raj Om Puri and Prachi Desai.
He does not believe in the system of going by the book and instead.
Ravikumar and produced by T. Bollywood actress Prachi Desai Sanjay Dutts Sister Priya Dutt and Filmmaker Rahul Aggarwal pose during the First Look Launch of upcoming film Policegiri in Mumbai on May 28 2013. In the absence of her brother Sanjay Dutt Priya Dutt attended the first look launch of his film Policegiri. Sanjay Dutt Prachi Desai shoot in Film City.