Priyanka Chopra Kareena Kapoor Akshay Kumar Ki Film. Today we will share akshay kumar kareena kapoor movie akshay kumar and priyanka chopra movie akshay kumar movies akshay kumar ki new movie and son on. Directed by Abbas-Mustan the tale revolve around Akkis character who is accused of sexual harassment by his female superior.
He refuses her advances and she accuses him of attempted rape and he is asked to resign his job. Without giving the whole plot away she sets her sights on Akshay Kumar who is married to legally-trained Kareena Kapoor. The film features Akshay Kumar Priyanka Chopra Amrish Puri Kareena Kapoor and Paresh Rawal.
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Objection is a 2004 Indian Hindi-language romantic thriller courtroom drama film directed by AbbasMustanProduced by Subhash Ghai it stars Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra and features Amrish Puri Paresh Rawal and Annu Kapoor in supporting roles. He refuses her advances and she accuses him of attempted rape and he is asked to resign his job. The film features Akshay Kumar Priyanka Chopra Amrish Puri Kareena Kapoor and Paresh Rawal. To this the global icon.