Priyanka Chopra Kareena Kapoor Akshay Kumar Ki Movie. Things take a comic twist when the doctors goof up their IVF process. The 2004 romantic-thriller features Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Khan and Priyanka Chopra in prominent roles.
Directed by Abbas-Mustan the tale revolve around Akkis character who is accused of sexual harassment by his female superior. Watch the beautiful ladies KareenaKapoor PriyankaChopra dance onto a popular number TalatumTalatum alongside AkshayKumar from their starrer blockbuster m. Akshay Kumars movies with Kareena Kapoor.
The screenplay was written by Shyam Goel and Shiraz Ahmed and Himesh Reshammiya composed the.
Trouble brews in paradise when Rajs past tries to catch up with him in Sonia - Priyanka Chopra. Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra Full Movie. Today we will share akshay kumar kareena kapoor movie akshay kumar and priyanka chopra movie akshay kumar movies akshay kumar ki new movie and son on. The movie is directed by Raj Mehta and raked.