Rani Mukherjee Kareena Kapoor Hrithik Roshan Picture. In this throwback picture Rani Mukerji is seen styling herself while a spot boy holds a mirror for her. Also read Kareena Kapoor Khan And Rani Mukerjis Most Memorable Moments Together Seeing this picture fans went on to comment on all things nice on this post.
Httpsgooglxs3mrY Stay updated. Here is a BTS picture from their movie Mujhse Dosti Karoge. Read further ahead to take a look at their photos.
Read further ahead to take a look at their photos.
Mujhse Dosti Karoge is a romantic flick that guarantees to give the audience the quality in the banner of Yash Copra production. Raj Hrithik Roshan Pooja Kareena Kapoor and Tina Rani Mukherjee are friends since childhood. Mardaani 2 actress Rani Mukerji also joined them for the screening. She recently attended a special screening of the film held in the city.