Sadak Hindi Picture Film Sanjay Dutt Pooja Bhatt. With Mahesh Bhatt and Sanjay Dutt. Actress and director Pooja Bhatt had earlier said that Sadak 2 the sequel of her 1991 hit film Sadak will show Sanjay Dutt in crucial role and will deal with the issue of depression.
The movie was released in 1991 and became the seventh highest grossing Hindi film of the 90s decade with a groundbreaking. Since the journey IS the destination heres celebrating the journey that was Sadak2 sic. Mahesh Bhatt and Sanjay Dutt made a memorable film Sadak that most people remember till date.
Sadak paired Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt in Mahesh Bhatt directorial musical drama film which rocked the box-office with its music and storyline.
Now the two have reunited to make a sequel to its first film. Also seen in pictures is Sanjay Dutt. Songs are written by Sameer Surendra Sathi Rani Mallik and music composed by Nadeem-Shravan. Sadak 2 might be coming out in a couple of days but the original Sadak 1991 still stands tall as a true blockbuster hit.