Salman Khan Jackie Shroff Kareena Kapoor Ki Film. In brief Anand Salman Khan is admitted to a mental hospital in a childlike state where he is treated by three doctors Tanvi Kareena Kapoor Sunil Jackie Shroff and Dr. Salman Khan Kareena Kapoor Rimi Sen Jackie Shroff Votes.
Jackie Schroff vermag kaum zum Spannungsaufbau beizutragen auch Kareena Kapoor und Rimi Sen hinterlassen keinen tiefen Eindruck weil der Film mehr auf Salman Khan zugeschnitten ist. One such actor with whom Kareena Kapoor Khan has shared screen-space with is Salman Khan. In brief Anand Salman Khan is admitted to a mental hospital in a childlike state where he is treated by three doctors Tanvi Kareena Kapoor Sunil Jackie Shroff and Dr.
One such actor with whom Kareena Kapoor Khan has shared screen-space with is Salman Khan.
Read ahead to know more-Kareena Kapoor Khan and Salman Khan movies together Kyon Ki 2005 Kyon Ki is a Priyadarshan directorial. Kyon Ki Salman Khans 2006 release Kyon Ki is another film in which his character dies at the end of the film. Valeem Malik Love MovieMy channel. The plot of the film revolves around the life of a doctor who falls in love with her psychiatrist patient after knowing his said truth.