Salman Khan's Blockbuster Hindi Full Movie Kareena Kapoor Khan Aditya Pancholi. Bajrangi Bhaijaan is based on the love story of a Hindu man Pavan Kumar Chaturvedi played by Salman and a Delhi based woman Razia played by Kareena. The story also has a little Pakistani girl who crosses the border and lands in India following which the Bajrangi Bhaijaan takes up the responsibility of reuniting her with her family in Pakistan.
DRJ Records Raja Saif Ali Khan and Yash Vardhan Aditya Pancholi are childhood friends. Salman Khans Blockbuster Hindi Full Movie Bodyguard Kareena Kapoor Khan Aditya Pancholi. Directed by Siddique.
Bodyguard movie salman khan full movie Lovely Singh Salman Khan is assigned as Divyas Kareena Kapoor bodyguard to protect her from goons hunting her to take revenge against her father a kind and successful politician who was responsible for saving his mother in an accident.
Aditya Pancholi Saif Ali Khan Kajol Director. Then you should check this list to see how his films had performed and their box office success. Salman Khan Kareena Kapoor Khan Mahesh M. Directed by Siddique.