Sanjay Dutt Best Friend Pic. Well the cat is out of the bag now and it has been revealed that the man who is the real-life best friend of Sanjay Dutt is Paresh Ghelani. It is no secret that Kamlesh Kanhaiyalal Kapasi aka Kamli the character played by Vicky Kaushal in Rajkumar Hiranis Sanju is based on Sanjay Dutts real-life best friend Paresh GhelaniLovingly called Parya by Dutt Ghelani has been the actors friend since even before his debut film Rocky released and has stood by him like a rock through his ups and downs.
Indian film actors Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon 1996. Sanjay Dutt arrives with Best Friend Paresh Ghelani. Dutt announced on Tuesday that he was taking a short break from work owing to a medical treatment.
Well the cat is out of the bag now and it has been revealed that the man who is the real-life best friend of Sanjay Dutt is Paresh Ghelani. A poet Sanjay Dutt and his best friend Salman Khan fall in love with the same woman Madhuri Dixit. Indian actor Sanjay Dutt attends the press conference for Bollywood movie Blue held at Hotel Renaissance on March 6 2009 in Bombay India. Sanjay Dutts closest friend Paresh Ghelani who impressed Vicky Kaushals character Kamli within the actors biopic Sanju on Sunday wrote on Instagram that.