Sanjay Dutt Breaking News. News has surfaced that Shah Rukh Khan and Sanjay Dutt will soon be coming together for a movie titled Rakhee. Actor Sanjay Dutt on Tuesday announced that he is taking a short break from work for his medical treatment.
Get other latest updates via a. Sanjay Dutt announced a break from work earlier this year citing health reasons leading to speculations about his health. Sanjay Dutt captioned the post My heart is filled with gratitude as I share this news with all of you today.
Get all latest breaking news on Sanjay Dutt.
Sanjay Dutt on Nargis death anniversary. Get other latest updates via a. He did not specify the nature of his ailment but discouraged fans from making any speculations about his health. He recalled the doctors advice on a 50-50 per cent chance.