Sanjay Dutt Condition Now. The Bollywood actor on Wednesday confirmed this in a post on Instagram saying that he had managed to emerge victorious in his battle with cancer. Sanjay Dutt is now free from lung cancer.
Sanjay Dutt who was diagnosed with lung cancer a few months back today announced that he is finally cancer free. Shares heartfelt post on fighting the hardest battles. Sanjay Dutt has been admitted to Lilavati hospital in Mumbai after complaining of breathlessness.
The actor was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in August.
When Sanjay defeated the cancer he posted a statement on Instagram expressing joy while making the announcement. Sanjay Dutt who was diagnosed with lung cancer a few months back today announced that he is finally cancer free. What is the condition of Sanjay Dutt now. As per the doctors statement his health condition is stable and is maintaining normal oxygen saturation.