Sanjay Dutt Health Issue. Popular actor Sanjay Dutt had announced a break from work for some medical treatment and soon speculations had started doing rounds about his health issues all over the internet. The picture of Sanjay Dutt has been widely shared on social media and appears to be taken at a hospital.
Actor Sanjay Dutt who recently confirmed that he was fighting cancer on Wednesday shared a health update saying he has come out victorious in his battle with the disease. Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt has confirmed he has cancer after weeks of speculation by the Indian press. The last few weeks were very difficult time for my family and me.
Sanjay Dutt was diagnosed with lung cancer earlier this week.
He complained ofnot being able to breathe. The picture of Sanjay Dutt has been widely shared on social media and appears to be taken at a hospital. Maanayata Dutt wife of actor Sanjay Dutt has issued a statement on his illness. 61-year-old Dutt has not disclosed any details of his health condition.