Sanjay Dutt Health Update News. Actor Sanjay Dutt admitted to Lilavati Hospital after complaining of breathlessness under observation The 61-year-old actor who celebrated his birthday on July 29 was reportedly having low oxygen levels and discomfort in chestHis rapid-antigen test for Covid at Lilavati Hospital came negativeBut since the test is apparently not fool-proof his swab samples have also been collected for. Heres an official statement.
Actor Sanjay Dutt was admitted to the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai on Saturday night when he complained of breathlessness. Sanjay Dutt health update. Sanjay dutt health today Sanjay dutt news Sanjay dutt news today Sanjay dutt health update sanjay dutt latest news sanjay dutt news sanjay dutt can.
Maanayata Dutt updates Sanjay Dutts fans on his health.
Sanjay dutt health today Sanjay dutt news Sanjay dutt news today Sanjay dutt health update sanjay dutt latest news sanjay dutt news sanjay dutt can. Actor doing fine showing no other symptoms say hospital authorities 10 Aug 2020 0843 AM IST The actor was admitted. This picture was clicked by Pulkit Samrats cutie Sushant Singh Rajputs familys lawyer. He took to social media with his fans about his health update.