Sanjay Dutt Ka Sadak Film Dikhao. The 61-year-old had announced on Tuesday that he would be. Sadak 2 is a continuation of the 1991 Mahesh Bhatt executive Sadak which featured Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt in the number one spot jobs.
The trailer begins with a quick recap to Ravis Sanjay Dutt love story. Sadak 2 marks Mahesh Bhatts return to direction after a hiatus of 21 years. Sadak 2 is a sequel to 1991 hit movie Sadak.
Move present Ravi is grieving the loss of his love interestHis life finds a replacement purpose when he sets out on a road journey with Alia Bhatts Arya and her beau Aditya Roy Kapur to Kailash to require revenge on a.
1 Years Ago. Dutts love Pooja played by Pooja Bhatt is carried. 1 Years Ago. Theres a scene in Sadak that is still vivid in the audiences minds.