Sanjay Dutt Khalnayak Picture. In Khalnayak Ramya played a character called Sophia Sulochana and was paired with Sanjay Dutt. Owen Roncon husband of Sanjay Dutts sister Priya Dutt shared a picture on Instagram in which the 50-year-old politician is seen feeding the Khalnayak.
Its Sanjay Dutt Unofficial fanz Page. Choli Ke Peeche Kya HaiSinger. Sanjay Dutt The Khalnayak Of Bollywood.
We are definitely looking at making a sequel to Khalnayak under the Sanjay S Dutt production house.
Its Sanjay Dutt Unofficial fanz Page. Ever since the news was out a massive number of celebrities who have worked under Sarojs guidance or wished to are taking to their social media accounts and sharing heartfelt tributes and condolences. Owen Roncon husband of Sanjay Dutts sister Priya Dutt shared a picture on Instagram in which the 50-year-old politician is seen feeding the Khalnayak. See photos profile pictures and albums from SanjayDutt Of-The-Best-Khalnayak.