Sanjay Dutt Medical Treatment. In August the 61-year-old actor had announced that he would be taking a break from his professional commitments to focus on medical treatment amid speculation that he was battling lung cancer. Sanjay Dutt has announced on social media that he will be taking a short break from work for medical treatment.
Sanjay Dutt visits Lilavati for tests future course of treatment being decided. Sanjay Dutt has announced a break from work for a medical treatment. Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has been diagnosed with lung cancer of Stage 3.
Maanayata Dutt wife of Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt has released an official statement to update information about.
The actor however refrained from sharing any more details. Sanjay Dutt visits Lilavati for tests future course of treatment being decided. Sanjay Dutt announces short break from work for medical treatment Sanjay Dutt was taken to hospital on August 8 after complaining of breathlessness. He has asked his fans not to engage in speculative talk around his health.